With 2020 being a crazy old year so far eliminating lots of performance opportunities, here’s how to get motivated to practice singing.

These tips (and this video) are from my weekly live-stream for my coaching clients, where I check-in and help keep them motivated to be practicing and singing songs!

Motivation Tip #1

Singing more makes you a better singer!

My goal as a vocal coach is to promote singing regularly, looking after vocal health daily and finding ways to create performance opportunities.

I always want to encourage singers to focus on having a solid foundation in place so that no matter what gets thrown at you, as a musician or a singer, you can pivot.

What we CAN control and focus on, is learning, practicing with the end goal being or and performing or posting songs online.

So, I would love you to choose a cover to Song Study.

It’s an opportunity to try something different. If you already have a particular genre that you’re focused on, you can certainly keep in it, or you can extend outside of that.

Motivation Tip #2

A Song Study can be a strengthening tool.

I want you to pick a song, get in the trenches with it and really explore the nuances of the vocal delivery and in turn, how your voice responds.

You’ll learn what you need to focus on developing and can spotlight that in your practices.

Motivation Tip #3

You’ve got something to work towards, which is posting your song online.

Emerging artists should be posting regularly, ideally every month, especially if you’re in between tours or aren’t at the point where you are performing live.

Musicians generally don’t like self-promotion on social media! Posting songs online is an option for meeting your promotional self halfway.

My favourite platform for this is YouTube purely because it’s a search engine so you create a catalogue and people can find it.

The most important thing is that you create a performance opportunity for yourself, are regularly workshopping or showcasing your talent to your audience or potential audience.

It’s exciting to see that process and development plus we’re in a time where we can document it easily.

This catalogue of music also allows your audience to engage with you, to continue building a relationship, learn more about you and your voice in between your releases.

You can share your process and show how you practice a song or pop up a cover as a homage to your favourite artists.

It doesn’t have to be a high-quality delivery or production set up. As long as the audio and video quality is good, it could be as simple as using your phone.

Three years down the track when you’re blowing up, people want to go down the rabbit hole devouring everything you’ve ever done, they will look through your YouTube channel to find out more about you.

It’s like a honeymoon period when you first meet somebody, all you can think about is that you want to hang out and see them all the time!

Motivation Tip #4

You want to provide that access or opportunity. That is a future pacing reason as to why you might want to regularly song study or be creating some interactive content.

For example, if you don’t want to post whole songs online, you could post a behind-the-scenes snippet of yourself learning, practicing or even writing.

Depending on your creation process, you might write lyrics on pieces of paper, so you could take a snapshot and share what you are writing at that moment.

You could engage with your audience by asking them to suggest names or title for the song.

You don’t need to take their advice, but it’s a way for you to have that back and forth.

It’s a chance to have a conversation with your audience and for them to be part of the creation process.

Practicing singing will make you a better singer. It’s as simple as that.

If sharing your process of writing, learning or performing online helps to motivate you to practice singing, then do it!

Do give it a go and let me know how you get on.

Remember, if you need help with the preparation, practice, polish, performing and posting of your song, jump into my 21-Day Song Study Challenge and you’ll get tips and resources every few days via email when you sign up here.

Tag me @bignotesgetvotes or use #songstudychallenge so I can see, celebrate you and share the song study and practice goodness.


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