Get your 72-Hour Pre-Performance Checklist to access the best practices to use to get your voice ready to perform FAST.

Watch a walk through of the checklist here:

When you have an important performance coming up, the 72 hour hours prior are crucial for setting your voice up for singing success.

You want to introduce all your vocal care tips into your daily care rituals as a priority, especially if you haven’t been mindful of your voice up to this point.

Here are the key things to focus on in the 72 hours (aka 3 days) leading up to your gig.

72-hour rule checklist

1. Hydration – drink the right amount of water for your body every day. Add in topical hydration by steaming plus avoid all dehydrating substances like caffeine and alcohol. This includes energy drinks!

2. Speaking Voice Mindfulness – avoid shouting, excessive talking or throat clearing. Check-in with your voice with regular Sirens.

3. Release Tension – daily meditation, Singers Stretches & Silent Giggle ( you can use massage as a tool but be mindful if you aren’t a regular user, that lactic acid may be released from your muscles for 48 hours post-massage & can make you feel a bit off.) ?‍♀️

4. Performance Preparation – know your parts/songs by this stage and if you aren’t “off book” by now, use this time to get prepared so you have no reason to be nervous or anxious.

5. Gig/Event Logistics – Soundchecks/Technical requirements/Runsheet/Travel/Rider – get all gig details locked down. You can so that you can focus on the performance this way. Troubleshoot ahead of time as opposed to on the day which can be very stressful!! 

You may need to put out some fires on the day. Being vocally and mentally well makes it that much easier.  

If you have questions about getting prepared for performances, comment below!


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